Application to reopen Palisades Nuclear Plant denied

 November 18, 2022, via The Holland Sentinel

"A last-ditch effort to save a West Michigan nuclear power plant has been denied.

"Pat O'Brien, director of government affairs and communications for Holtec Decommissioning International, acknowledged in a prepared statement the organization knew the reversal would be 'a challenge.'

"'We appreciate the consideration that the Department of Energy put into our application for the Civilian Nuclear Credit Program,' he said. 'We fully understood that what we were attempting to do, re-starting a shuttered nuclear plant, would be both a challenge and a first for the nuclear industry.'

"In July, Holtec proposed a plan to move radioactive materials off-site during the dismantling of Palisades by road, rail — and perhaps most controversially — by barge shipments on #LakeMichigan."



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